True North Academy changes how students view education,
but even more importantly,
it changes how students view themselves.
About True North Academy
1 Teacher (Ms. Haley)
1 Teachers Aid (Collin)
6 students (in grades 3-6)
We are an in person private school that meets 8am - 3pm M-F with an early release on Fridays at 1pm. We meet and learn in-person, our curriculum is not computer based.
Each student has an individualized learning plan (ILP, which is a private schools version of an IEP) that meets each student where they are whether that be two grades behind or ahead. We willingly provide learning accommodations. Students can sit or stand, wear shoes or not. They have the freedom and space to make themselves comfortable.​
We go on field trips twice per month on Fridays.
We like hands on learning and exploring.
We having rotating specials.
We can coordinate and accommodate dyslexia remediation, OT and/or speech services during the school day.
We do not give homework unless requested.

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment